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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
- East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment Total results: 148
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
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Total results: 401
- General Information About Lead Total results: 9
- Applying for Certification or Accreditation Total results: 22
- EPA/HUD Real Estate Notification & Disclosure Rule Total results: 27
- Lead-Based Paint Program Fees Total results: 9
- Lead Abatement, Risk Assessment and Inspection Total results: 49
- Lead at Superfund Sites Total results: 3
- Lead in Drinking Water Total results: 25
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Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting
Total results: 237
- Authorized State and Tribal Programs Total results: 3
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- Firm Certification Total results: 26
- General Information about the Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule Total results: 18
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- Lead-Safe Certified Firm Logo Total results: 8
- Pre-Renovation Education Total results: 26
- Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements Total results: 6
- Renovations Covered by the RRP Rule Total results: 84
- Renovator Certification and Training Total results: 12
- Training Provider Accreditation Total results: 7
- Work Practice Standards Total results: 41
- Testing for Lead Total results: 19
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
- Oil Regulations Total results: 96
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 13
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
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Who is responsible for controlling dust and debris from renovation waste once the waste container or truck used to transport the waste leaves the renovation site?
When a renovation firm transports waste from renovation activities, the firm must contain the waste to prevent release of dust and debris. The Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule does not address the responsibilities of other entities. EPA recommends consulting with state and local waste disposal authorities to learn…
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Are the NO Values in the MOVES Output Files Actually NO (Molecular Weight 30), or is the NO Expressed as NO2 (Molecular Weight 46)?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . The NO values in all versions of MOVES2014 (and MOVES2010b) output files are expressed as NO2 (molecular weight 46). HONO and NOx are also expressed in terms of NO2.
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What should I do if I am concerned about my family's exposure to lead?
Answer : A blood test is the only way to find out whether you or a family member already has lead poisoning. Call your doctor or local health department to arrange for a blood test. You can protect your family every day by: Regularly cleaning floors, window sills, and other…
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What are some of the health effects of lead in children?
Answer : Lead is especially dangerous to children under six years of age. Lead can affect children's brains and developing nervous systems, causing reduced IQ and learning disabilities, and behavioral problems. Even children who appear healthy can have dangerous levels of lead in their bodies. To learn more about the…
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For purposes of cleaning the work area following a renovation, is the interior floor of a garage considered interior or exterior space?
In general, the interior floor of a garage is considered an interior space for purposes of post-renovation cleanup. EPA recognizes the fact that it may occasionally be impossible for firms to meet all of the cleaning and verification requirements under the Rule for garage floors such as those that are…
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If a renovator uses the required practices to remove containment and clean a work area, then performs successful cleaning verification, can the project then be done using uncertified workers and without work practices required by the RRP Rule?
Yes, as long as the balance of the project can be completed without disturbing a painted surface. Question Number: 23002-18385 Find a printable PDF copy of all frequent questions pertaining to lead .
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What is the Difference Between Extended Idling and Normal Idling? Is it Possible to get Distinct Idling Emission Output for any Vehicle Type? Can this be Done in the Emission Rate Mode, or only Inventory Mode?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . Extended idling is a distinct emission process defined as the overnight idling of long-haul trucks with sleeper cabs at truck stops and other locations during federally required downtime. During such idling periods, these engines experience unusual loads (televisions, air conditioning…
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How does MOVES Classify Light-Duty Trucks?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . There are two definitions used in MOVES for light duty trucks. The source use type light duty trucks (sourceTypeID values of 31 or 32) use the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) VM-1 definition of light duty vehicles used to report vehicle…
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What information can I get about lead-based paint in a home before I buy or rent it?
Answer : Many houses and apartments built before 1978 have some lead-based paint. Lead from paint chips, and dust can pose serious health hazards if not taken care of properly. Federal law requires that individuals receive certain information before renting or buying pre-1978 housing. Sellers and landlords must: Disclose information…
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I thought lead-based paint had been phased out. How many homes still contain lead-based paint?
Answer : The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) National Survey of Lead and Allergens in Housing estimated that 38 million permanently occupied housing units (40% of all housing units) in the United States contain some lead-based paint that was applied before the residential use of lead-based paint was…
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What is Lead?
Answer : Lead is a toxic metal that was used for many years in products found in and around our homes. Lead also can be emitted into the air from motor vehicles and industrial sources, and lead can enter drinking water from plumbing materials. Lead-based paint is present in many…
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My firm is replacing windows on a pre-1978 home. The homeowner already scraped and repainted their house but did not follow lead-safe work practices, leaving paint chips scattered throughout the landscaping. How best should I proceed?
A firm working on a property that is already contaminated with paint chips, dust, debris and residue must proceed by containing the work area for the renovation, and complying with all cleaning requirements under the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule for that work area. Paint chips, dust, debris…
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Under the RRP Rule, do paint chips and debris need to be removed from protective sheeting even if such chips and debris can be effectively contained by the sheeting or the sealed container the sheeting is contained in for disposal?
Yes. After the renovation has been completed, the firm must clean the work area until no dust, debris, or residue remains. The first cleaning step required by the Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule is to collect all paint chips and debris and, without dispersing any of it, seal…
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When waste from renovations has been removed from the work area and placed in on-site storage, may the waste be stored in a covered waste container or must it all be bagged for disposal?
Properly implemented, either option can meet the requirements of the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule . At the conclusion of each work day and at the conclusion of the renovation, waste that has been collected from renovation activities must be stored under containment, in an enclosure, or behind…
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What is the Relationship Between Calendar Year, Model Year, and Age?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . Model year (modelYearID) corresponds to the year that a group of vehicles in the fleet was produced. Calendar year (yearID) is the analysis year as selected in the ‘Time Spans/Year’ panel of the MOVES GUI. For a given calendar year…
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