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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment
Total results: 148
- Exposure to chemicals in the air, soil and water (dioxins) Total results: 18
- About the Cleaning Process Total results: 10
- About the East Palestine Train Derailment Total results: 13
- After Cleaning Total results: 3
- Air testing Total results: 2
- Assistance with Child Care and Pets During Cleaning Total results: 2
- Chemicals of concern and associated health impacts Total results: 8
- Eligibility Total results: 7
- Environmental Sampling and Monitoring Total results: 7
- Environmental testing results Total results: 8
- Formaldehyde Total results: 1
- Impacts to the environment Total results: 1
- Livestock and pet health impacts Total results: 1
- Odors and toxicity Total results: 2
- Personal Belonging During Cleaning Total results: 6
- Physical work updates, road closures, and upcoming public meetings Total results: 3
- Prior to Cleaning Total results: 3
- Purpose Total results: 6
- Relocation Assistance Total results: 2
- Residential soil sampling and water testing Total results: 10
- Taggart Street Reopening Total results: 12
- Tax-exempt Total results: 1
- Waste disposal and containment Total results: 13
- Water Management Update Total results: 9
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
- Fuel Program Total results: 693
- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 49
- Lead Total results: 401
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
- Oil Regulations Total results: 96
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 13
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
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What’s the difference between short-term and long-term chemical exposure levels?
Acute or short-term exposure assumes that a person has been exposed to a chemical for a short period of time. Long term, also known as chronic, exposure assumes a person has been constantly exposed to a chemical for a lifetime, or approximately 70 years.
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How do the different parts of particulate matter (PM) fit together?
The various parts of PM in the NEI are related as follows. PM10-FIL > PM25-FIL because PM10-FIL includes PM25-FIL PM25-PRI = PM25-FIL + PM-CON This equation only applies at the process level. Because some sources only can report PM2.5 (due to test method differences), this equation does not apply to…
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How does PM2.5 relate to PM species such as EC, OC, SO4, NO3, PMFINE, and DIESEL-PM25?
Primary PM2.5 estimates are speciated into the five PM species in the NEI: elemental (black) carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), nitrate (NO3), sulfate (SO4), and the remainder of PM25-PRI (PMFINE). Diesel engine PM25-PRI and PM10 emissions are also labeled as DIESEL-PM25 and DIESEL-PM10 for mobile source diesel engines. For all…
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Is our East Palestine City Park safe for activities?
Yes. Results show that levels of dioxin and semi-volatile organic compounds are well below any levels that we would consider restricting activities, and all are either at or below typical background levels for soil in the United States. In addition, the village has cleaned all recreational equipment, including the pool…
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What is being done to control dust?
Norfolk Southern contractors use engineering controls to reduce dust generated from cleanup activities and disturbed soil surfaces. All contaminated material leaving the derailment site is secured and tarped, and all contaminated material on site is tarped nightly. Trucks are decontaminated before they leave the site, and large water trucks are…
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Will applicants be evaluated on whether or not they leverage funds?
Cost share and leveraging of non-federal funds is not a requirement of this Funding Opportunity, but if leveraging is proposed, applicants will be evaluated based on how they will obtain the leveraged resources, the likelihood the leveraging will materialize during grant performance (e.g., if they have letters of commitment), the…
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Is it possible to distribute the majority of project funding in Year 2 and 3?
Yes. Applicants should commit to being able to issue its first Project RFA within one year of being selected as Principal Recipient (page 9 of the RFA), however this is not a threshold eligibility requirement. There are no specific requirements as to the timing of issuing Project RFAs and funding…
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Will there be a non-federal cost share or match required of grants made by the principal recipient?
No, non-federal cost share is not required. If an applicant proposes voluntary cost share, they should carefully review section III.B on page 21, description of Supporting Materials in section IV.D on page 27, and section V.B.
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Where can I download hourly emissions data from continuous monitoring?
Hourly emissions data files are available from the Clean Air Markets Division of EPA, collected as part of 40 CFR Part 75. The download location has changed in February, 2023. The new location is . Once on this new site, use the menu (at the left) and the Keyword…
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Where can I find older NEI data (prior to 2008)?
The raw data and summaries that are still available (dating back to 1990) can be obtained from the web page . Starting with 2001 data, a more limited selection of summary files are available.
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How will the budget for year six be treated in case of a continuation of sampling past 2029?
Sampling past 2029 will not be covered under this assistance agreement.
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Can I grow a garden at home or plant crops?
Yes. You can continue to use your land as you normally would. Residential soil sampling results are within typical ranges for the area. Follow normal measures like peeling root vegetables and washing leafy greens.
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What sources make up the Tier 1 categories used in the emissions trends?
Tier 1 categories are assigned by source classification codes (SCCs) that are the most specific processes available in the NEI. The latest SCC list with the Tier 1 assignments can be downloaded from the EPA SCC website in Comma Separate Values (CSV) format.
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What is the cause of the large decrease in electric utility emissions, particularly sulfur dioxide, starting in 1995?
SO2 emissions reductions from utilities during this time are primarily attributed to the impacts of the acid rain program. As described on EPA’s Acid Rain Program web page, Phase 1 of this program began in 1995 and affected 263 units at 110 most coal-burning electric utility plants in 21 eastern…
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What are the terms used to describe the length of exposure to substances?
Acute exposure is any contact with a substance that occurs once or for up to 14 days. Intermediate exposure is contact occurring for more than 14 days but less than one year. Chronic exposure is contact occurring for longer than one year.
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