How should contractual costs be captured and estimated?
The following details should be included in project narrative Section 3: Identifying Key Personnel and Associated Roles, Responsibilities, and Qualifications, if a proposed project includes a contractor or individual consultant: anticipated project roles and responsibilities, the planned method of acquisition, and the planned method of vetting to ensure the selected candidate is qualified to complete assigned work (see Solicitation Notice Appendix E).
Contractor and/or Individual Consultant costs should also be detailed in project narrative Section 7: Overview of Project Budget. If these costs are not yet known, applicants should estimate to the best of their knowledge the anticipated costs and should provide a cost rationale for how these costs were calculated and why the cost was deemed appropriate for the work. If utilizing sole-source/non-competitive procurement, a detailed rationale for the use of this method, consistent with the allowable cases listed under 2 CFR 200.320(c).