In how much detail should travel plans be budgeted for and can these costs be updated if plans change after the grant is awarded?
Applicants should provide details on proposed travel in your application to the best of their abilities, based on anticipated travel plans (location, duration, etc.) Changes that alter the cost of travel more than 10% of the original budgeted costs, will require a workplan update. To make this change, grantees can work with their Regional Exchange Network Coordinator (RENC) to document any changes and/or rework the project budget (as needed). Find your RENC’s contact information here.
We do ask that you split travel into individual trips, even if these are just estimates based on prior travel and/or assumed participants. Please note that we ask for different information related to travel within the project narrative (see Appendix E or the optional project narrative template) and the budget narrative attachment form (see the budget guidance in Appendix D or the optional budget narrative template).