As the EN Grants Program does not fund Operations & Maintenance related costs, is there any information to assist Tribes with planning for software investments and long-term costs to sustain the work developed under EN grant projects?
Yes. The resources listed below were developed to help Tribal professionals navigate and plan for recurring software costs.
Software Licensing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): A Resource for Tribal Environmental Professionals (pdf)
- Addresses common issues or questions that Tribes experience when they are purchasing software.
- Provides definitions on common terminologies, suggestions on how to fund short- and long-term software needs through the grant process.
- Gives suggestions and informational links on technical assistance available to Tribal partners.
A Software Procurement Roadmap for Tribes (pdf)
- Examines the entire life cycle of the software licensing process as part of the grants work planning process creates efficiencies, less waste, and less burden. Outlines the steps to consider when purchasing a software license to support grant workplan activities.