Does the removal of VES as a stand-alone EN Project Opportunity in the Solicitation Notice’s Appendix A mean that EPA will no longer fund projects which involve VES?
Beginning in FY24, Virtual Exchange Services (VES) is no longer an EN project opportunity within Appendix A. VES provides foundational EN capabilities for exchanging data, comparable to physical nodes. VES continues to be a supported capability that can be leveraged to deliver on many of the data exchange opportunities outlined in Appendices A-C. EPA encourages applicants to consider the options under the ‘Open Data Modernization and Digital Transformation Projects including Geospatial Data’ project opportunity to support foundational activities (e.g., ICIS Digital Services projects, eBeaches projects, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund & Clean Water State Revolving Fund projects). Projects under EN project opportunities appropriately utilizing VES capabilities in their implementation can be considered for funding in FY25.