(CANCELED) EPA Region 9 Virtual Environmental Justice (EJ) Monthly Community Check-In
Date and Time
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm PST
Event Host
Event Type
EPA Region 9’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Program invites you to join our monthly Community Check-in open to all community members in Region 9 (states of Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawai’i, 148 federally recognized Tribes, and the US Pacific Islands).
The theme for this check-in is Toxic Substances Management and we will have a brief presentation on this topic followed by time for questions and discussion.
Speak with members of the EJ program to ask questions, highlight concerns, and hear EJ program updates as requested. Hearing from community members will help EPA better understand and more effectively serve communities. This call also provides an opportunity to network with community members who are engaged in similar work.
Staff may not be able to answer all questions during the call, but we will track questions and refer them to the most appropriate subject matter expert within EPA Region 9.
Spanish-language interpretation will be provided. Please send any topics of discussion or questions you may have to [email protected] at least one week prior to the check-in so we may best prepare to include and/or address them.
If you would like to join the meeting by phone, please call the number below and enter the Meeting ID followed by "#":
- Call-in number: +1 669 254 5252
- Meeting ID: 160 956 3863#