Identifying Hazards
The federal government has established a system of labeling hazardous materials to help identify the type of material and threat posed. The following are some of the major colors and symbols of the different hazard classes:
Hazard Class | Color | Symbol |
Explosives | Orange | Starburst |
Non-flammable Gases | Green | Cylinder |
Flammable Gases or Liquids | Red | Flame |
Flammable Solids | Red/White Stripes | Flame |
Oxidizers | Yellow | Flaming Ball |
Poisons | White | Skull & Crossbones |
Radioactives | Yellow/White | Propeller |
Corrosives | White/Black | Test Tube |
For additional information on labeling hazardous materials, please see the Occupational Safety & Health Administration's (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard.
EPA maintains summaries of information on over 300 chemicals, including their identifying characteristics, health hazards, ecological effects, and methods to reduce exposure to the chemical. Search the Envirofacts Master Chemical Integrator (EMCI) Chemical References Web pages.