Decon Query Tool Information Categories – Definitions
Term | Definition |
Analyte | The radionuclide which was tested during research. |
Applicability to Irregular Surfaces | Potential application of the technology to irregular surfaces such as jagged edges, hard to reach locations, and crevices. |
Cost | The cost of the decontamination technology as cost per volume ($/L) and its corresponding cost per area ($/m2). Labor costs are not part of this information. |
Decontamination Cycles | The number of times the decontamination technology was applied to the contaminated material. |
Decontamination Rate | A calculated rate determined by the amount of time used to apply and remove the decontamination technology from a specified number of coupon surfaces, reported as surface area per hour (m2/hour). Dwell/dry time is not included in this calculation. |
Decontamination Technology | The name of the chosen technology. |
Decontamination Time | The total amount of time used for the decontamination process. Includes application, dwell/dry, and removal times. |
Description | An overview description of the chosen technology. |
Dwell/Dry Time | The amount of time used for contact between the decontamination technology and the contaminated material. |
EPA Technology Evaluation Report | Title of and link to the research report where more details can be found about the information provided. |
Equipment Needs | Equipment which will be needed to use the technology. |
Material | The type of material which was tested during research. |
Portability | Limiting factors which could be encountered when using the decontamination technology in the field. |
% Removal |
The percentage of radioactive material removed from the tested coupons, calculated using the following equation: %R = (1-Af/Ao) × 100% where Ao is the radiological activity before application of the decontamination technologies, and Af is radiological activity after removal. |
Removal | Technique or tools used to remove the decontamination technology from the contaminated surface. |
Secondary Waste | The amount of waste that will be generated using the decontamination technology and any special precautions for its disposal. |
Shelf Life | The length of time the decontamination technology can be stored before it expires, as well as exposure considerations that might impact its effectiveness. |
Skilled Labor Requirement | Training requirements for personnel who will be using the decontamination technology in the field. |
Surface Damage | Information about any material surface damage caused by the decontamination technology. |
Surface Deployment | Information on how the decontamination technology is designed to be applied. Includes information about adherence to vertical surfaces and precautions that could affect decontamination. |
Technology Preparation | Time needed to prepare the decontamination technology for use. |
Testing Conditions and Application | The amount of time used to prepare the decontamination technology, the technology application technique used, and the estimated volumes of the technology used on the tested coupons. |
Utilities Requirement | Utilities, such as electricity or water that will be needed in the field to use the decontamination technology. |