Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Lead Service Line Replacement Capitalization Grants
- Following the release of allotments, state SRF programs apply for and are awarded capitalization grants supported by each state’s Project Priority List.
- The Safe Drinking Water Act provides direction to the EPA on how to reallot funds that are left unobligated to other states.
- Voluntary De-obligation of IIJA LSLR Funds: The EPA has established a process for state and EPA actions when states decide to return funds from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Lead Service Line Replacement (LSLR) capitalization grant awards to the EPA. States may choose to do so if, for example, new information has reduced the state’s previously estimated needs for LSL replacement projects. This process helps to ensure that LSLR funds go to the states with the greatest LSLR-related need.
- Corrective Actions: The EPA’s Office of Inspector General identified risk with lead service line data previously provided by the States of Florida and Texas. Because of these concerns, the EPA requested Lead and Copper Rule Revision lead service line inventory data from these states to evaluate their lead service line needs. This latest information estimates fewer lead services lines and a reduced need for funds to identify and replace lead service lines in these states.