Climate Ready Estuaries
Coastal Adaptation Toolkit
Adaptation is action in response to change. Adaptation options depend on the magnitude of change and the impacts.
Risk-based Adaptation
Assess climate change vulnerability, then tackle the biggest risks.
Foresight helps environmental managers strategize and prepare for future risks and opportunities.
Sea Level Rise
Sea level rise is accelerating. Higher water levels will affect every shoreline.
Climate Change in Coastal Communities
Coastal towns and cities are already seeing impacts, and facing unique challenges from climate change.
Climate Change in Coastal Environments
Coastal ecosystems have threats from sea level rise, warming air and water temperature, and other stressors.
News and Events
- January 2025. Foreseeing Coastal Change To Strategically Guide Adaptation (pdf)
- August 2023. Water temperature histories are available through CoastWatch's Estuaries toolkit
- February 2022. Global and Regional Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States.
- The EPA Watershed Academy's June 2021 webcast on Climate Change Adaptation is online.
- April 2021. EPA releases a new document in the Being Prepared for Climate Change family, Checklists of Potential Climate Change Risks.