Climate Economic Analysis
EPA addresses a wide range of economic issues related to climate change, including analyses of the costs and benefits of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions both in the United States and abroad. EPA economists work to improve data and economic methodology to quantify the benefits and costs of climate change mitigation, impacts, and adaptation. Using the best analysis available, EPA evaluates the potential implications of different policy approaches to address the risks of climate change.
2024 Biennial Transparency Report
The 2024 Biennial Transparency Report (BTR), published in December 2024, provides official U.S. Government projections of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through 2040. The presentation linked below focuses on the With Measures projections in the BTR, which incorporate the impacts of policies and finalized regulations in place as of May 2024. The full range of projections is called the 2024 Policy Baseline. These projections are quantitative scenarios that rely on a suite of models implemented across U.S. government agencies. Additionally, this presentation provides a more detailed summary of the energy system, its CO2 emissions, and non-CO2 emissions and sources, as well as a summary of land use, land use change, and forestry net emissions from the BTR.
2024 U.S. Emissions and Energy System Baselines - Projections from the 2024 Biennial Transparency Report [PDF]: 2024 Biennial Transparency Report Summary Slides (pdf)
Forestry and Agriculture Sector Mitigation Analysis
The EPA technical report – Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential in the U.S. Forestry and Agriculture Sector (EPA Report ID# 430-R-24-004) – provides updated estimates of the GHG mitigation potential for various abatement activities in the agriculture and forestry sectors in the United States between now and 2050. This report does not simulate specific policies, instead it offers a broad suite of scenarios that estimate the technical GHG mitigation potential from the U.S. land sector. The technical report serves as an update to work presented in the 2005 EPA report Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential in U.S. Forestry and Agriculture and integrates new modeling tools and mitigation opportunities to provide a contemporary perspective on GHG abatement options for the U.S. land use sector.
Since the publication of the 2005 report EPA has continued to invest in research and bio-economic modeling tools that can better represent and estimate mitigation potential from forestry and agriculture activities. This 2024 technical report contributes to the science and understanding of agriculture and forestry GHG mitigation potential and reenforces the message that agriculture and forestry both play key roles in achieving U.S. GHG mitigation goals.
Main Report - Executive Summary, Chapters 1-4 [PDF]: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential in the U.S. Forestry and Agriculture Sector - EPA 430-R-23-004 (pdf)
Supporting data [Microsoft Excel]: Forestry and Agriculture Mitigation Report Data Annex (xlsx)
Non-Carbon Dioxide Projections and Abatement Models
EPA develops and maintains a set of historical and projected estimates of emissions, as well as technical and economic mitigation estimates of non-carbon dioxide (non-CO2) greenhouse gases (GHGs) from more than 25 anthropogenic sources for 195 countries. These analyses provide information that can be used to understand national contributions of GHG emissions, historical progress on reductions, and mitigation opportunities.
For more information, please see the non-CO2 report page and data tool:
- Global Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emission Projections & Mitigation: 2015–2050 | U.S. EPA
- Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Data Tool | U.S. EPA
Climate Change Legislative Analysis
At the request of Congress, EPA provides economic analyses of potential climate change mitigation programs and strategies.