Further Progress On Paperless Communications in CDX
For Release: March 4, 2020
The Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) is expanding its use of electronic communications through the Central Data Exchange (CDX) to distribute Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) bona fide response letters and excluded from reporting letters. To assist TSCA submitters with the transition to the new method of receiving these communications, EPA will send both a paper letter and an electronic letter delivered through CDX. The paper versions of the respective communications have been modified to include text stating an electronic communication has also been delivered to the submitter’s CDX account. EPA will stop sending the paper TSCA bona fide response letters and excluded from reporting letters on March 24, 2020 and will only send the electronic communications after this date. If you have any questions regarding this new service, please call the CDX Helpdesk at 1-888-890-1995.
EPA uses an electronic communication service within CDX that functions similar to some electronic banking messaging systems. A secure message is sent to an authorized official's (AO) CDX account, and also sends a generic message to an AO's email account, stating a communication has been delivered to their CDX account. The email message also provides directions for retrieving the communication from CDX.