Download Benchmark Dose Software (BMDS) - Version 2.7 (No Longer Supported)
BMDS 2.7 is no longer under active development. With a few exceptions, most models are now maintained in BMDS Online.
Download BMDS 2.7 (rel. 2017-08-18)
For Microsoft Windows (versions 7, 8, 10)
The BMDS download package includes the BMDS ReadMe file, online help, the BMDS User Manual (a PDF version of the online help), and ICF's BMDS Wizard software (no longer supported).
- Downloading and Installing the Software
- System Requirements
- Uninstalling Older BMDS Versions (Optional)
- Receive Updates on Future Releases
Downloading and Installing the Software
BMDS can be installed to any folder where the user has create/read/write privileges. Administrator privileges are not required.
- Right-click and select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” for the BMDS install file (MSI) (msi)
- Locate the .msi file you downloaded. Typical locations for file downloads are the Windows Desktop or the Downloads directory under your user account.
- In Windows Explorer, run the.msi file. Follow the prompts to accept the default install directory or select a different one.
Some antivirus or firewall programs may report the BMDS download as potentially harmful. Antivirus programs sometimes incorrectly flag new applications with recent creation dates that are not present in their virus/malware databases. If you see a warning dialog, mark the downloaded file as a permitted program and continue with the installation.
- Place the BMDS270 folder (and its subfolders) in the simplest, shortest directory, without special characters or spaces, and for which you have administrative rights (for most users, this will be C:\Users\[user's LAN ID], but sometimes includes C:\).
- Do not move the Excel-based BMDS Wizard folders out of the BMDS application directory. Although the Wizard templates will work with BMDS 2.7 installed in any directory, the Wizard folder MUST be installed in the same directory as the BMDS270 executable.
- Changes, fixes, and enhancements to this version of BMDS
- Getting started with the BMDS Wizard
- Determining whether BMDS is properly installed
- Troubleshooting
If you have problems or concerns, please use the "BMDS Support" feature listed in the BMDS Help menu or contact us using our Help Desk Form.
System Requirements
- 16 Megabytes of RAM
- Microsoft Windows 7, 8, or 10. Only operation in Windows 10 has been fully tested at this time.
- Microsoft .NET 4.0 or later. If your computer is set up to allow or be notified of downloads of Microsoft software, then it is likely that that version of the .NET framework is already installed. Otherwise, you can download and install Microsoft's latest version of .NET for client desktops.
- To run the ToxicoDiffusion model: Install the 32-bit edition of version 3.1 or later of the R statistical software.
Note: There are no plans at this time to create Macintosh or Linux versions. However, BMDS should work on Macs using emulation software, such as VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop.
Uninstalling Older BMDS Versions (Optional)
You do not need to uninstall previous versions of BMDS.
However, if you want to uninstall previous versions of BMDS, it is recommended that you retain the directory structure for the folders holding your previous model runs' input and output data files. Keeping those files and folders in place will maintain the functionality of your previous BMDS sessions.
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