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EPA reaches agreement with Perham Resource Recovery Facility on clean-air violations

Release Date: 07/15/2008
Contact Information: William Omohundro, 312-353-8254, [email protected]

No. 08-OPA120

CHICAGO (July 15, 2008) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has reached an agreement with Perham Resource Recovery Facility, a small municipal waste combustor in Perham, Minn., on alleged clean-air violations.

The agreement, which includes a $15,950 penalty and a $110,760 environmental project, resolves EPA allegations that the facility exceeded emission standards for hydrogen chloride and mercury. The alleged violations were discovered through performance test reports submitted by the facility.

The facility's environmental project consists of two improvements to its air pollution control system that will reduce emissions of hydrogen chloride and mercury.

Hydrogen chloride, or hydrochloric acid, is corrosive to the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Chronic exposure can cause chronic bronchitis and skin problems.

Exposure to mercury can permanently damage the brain and kidneys. Adults exposed to metallic mercury vapor may develop tremors, memory loss and kidney disease.

Information about EPA Region 5's air enforcement program is at Potential environmental violations may be reported at

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