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EPA Announces Regulatory Priorities

Release Date: 12/10/2007
Contact Information: Dave Ryan, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(12/10/07) EPA today released its Regulatory Plan, which describes 30 of the most significant regulations it plans to issue by next October.

EPA also released its Semiannual Regulatory Agenda, which describes over 300 actions under development or review, as well as those completed or withdrawn since the Spring 2007 agenda was published. For the first time, the bulk of EPA's agenda is available exclusively online rather than on paper in the Federal Register. Moving to an online agenda saves resources and provides users with a more useful, searchable mechanism for accessing regulatory information. It also helps meet e-Government objectives while saving taxpayers money by significantly reducing printing costs. (E-Government is President Bush's goal of utilizing technology to improve federal government services to citizens).

EPA recognizes that not everyone has access to the Internet, so is making printed copies of the agenda available upon request. These hardcopies are available by calling 1-800-490-9198 or by e-mailing:
[email protected]. (E-mail requests should include the requestor's name and address and display "Regulatory Agenda Hard Copy" in the subject line.)

EPA's Regulatory Plan is available in the Federal Register at:
(EPA's section begins at page 69922)

For more information about EPA's Regulatory Plan and Semiannual Regulatory Agenda: