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EPA has objected to Indiana's draft permit for U.S. Steel Corp's Gary Works

Release Date: 10/12/2007
Contact Information: Anne Rowan, (312) 353-9391, [email protected]

07 OPA 179

CHICAGO (Oct. 11, 2007)

In a letter dated Oct. 1, 2007, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency formally raised objections to the Indiana Dept. of Environmental Management regarding the draft wastewater discharge permit the state has proposed for USS Steel Corp.'s Gary Works facility.

EPA objects to how discharge limits were set for several types of pollutants and the five-year compliance schedules contained in IDEM's draft permit.

Under the federal rules, IDEM may not issue the permit over an EPA objection. EPA will work with IDEM as it revises its draft permit to ensure it complies with federal law and EPA regulations.

Response to IDEM Draft Permit for US Steel Gary Works, October 1, 2007(PDF) ( 3pp., 185K):

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