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Apco Mossberg Company Superfund Site Cleanup Continues in Attleboro

Release Date: 04/21/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: David Deegan, EPA Office of Public Affairs, (617) 918-1017, [email protected]

For Immediate Release: April 21, 2005; Release # dd050409

EPA’s $300,000 cleanup at the Apco Mossberg Company, Inc. Superfund Site, located at 100-101 Lamb Street in Attleboro, Massachusetts is well underway. The 11-acre Attleboro site was a former metal-parts manufacturing facility.

Contractors have begun screening debris piles in order to segregate the contaminated soils from bulk materials such as timber, metal, and bricks. The soils and debris are contaminated with heavy metals including lead, cadmium, barium and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). EPA will be transporting contaminated soils and debris materials off-site for disposal at a permitted facility.
Once the excavation activities are completed, EPA will backfill the excavated areas with clean fill materials and revegetate impacted wetland, floodplain and upland areas.

The site was the location of the Frank Mossberg Company in the early 1900’s. During that time, the company manufactured tools, automobile starters, and spring kits. Apco Mossberg Company, Inc. assumed ownership of the property in 1937. Fifty years later, in 1987, the manufacturing building was destroyed by a fire.

Previous investigations of the site revealed the presence of contaminants in the soil which are suspected to be linked to manufacturing activities previously conducted on the property. In addition, discarded capacitors containing PCBs were found at the site. In February, EPA installed a fence and warning signs around the site and began taking measures to control erosion so that contamination does not migrate off-site. Dust suppression, erosion control, and air monitoring activities will continue throughout the cleanup to ensure that no contaminated dusts are being tracked or migrating off-site.

Editors Note: To download a real- time high resolution photo of the cleanup, visit: .

Additional information on the project is available at: .

Related Information:
"Real-Time" Cleanup Photo
Cleanup Process
Cleanup in New England
OSC Site Profile