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EPA Announces Decision on Missouri's List of Impaired Waters

Release Date: 09/28/2007
Contact Information: Kris Lancaster, (913) 551-7557, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., Sept. 28, 2007) - EPA has approved portions of Missouri's 2004/2006 list of impaired waters.

Region 7 Administrator John B. Askew said, "The Clean Water Act's objective is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the nation's waters. Impaired waters are a concern for all of us."

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) submitted its impaired waters list to EPA for review and approval, as required by the Clean Water Act.

EPA recognizes MDNR for its work in preparing the list of impaired waters. With this action, EPA is approving the following:

· Missouri's decision to list 32 bodies of water
· The removal of 131 bodies of water from the list of impaired waters

EPA is continuing to review the remainder of the state's list and anticipates making a final decision within 60 days.