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EPA Invites Public To Meeting On Vapor Intrusion Sampling, Health Department Recommendations

Release Date: 06/29/2010
Contact Information: Karen Thompson, 312-353-8547, [email protected]

No. 10-OPA70

Chicago (June 29, 2010) --- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 will hold a public meeting Tuesday, June 29, to update the Hooven, Ohio, community about the latest vapor intrusion sampling results and the Ohio Department of Health’s conclusions and recommendations for the Chevron-Hooven site.

The meeting will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Hooven Elementary School, 4317 Chidlaw Ave.

For further information about the Chevron-Hooven site or for special accommodations at the meeting, contact Rafael P. Gonzalez, EPA Community Involvement Coordinator at [email protected] or call 800-621-8431 Ext. 60269 between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. weekdays.

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