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Release Date: 04/09/2001
Contact Information:



Dave Deegan 202-564-7839 / [email protected]

EPA Administrator Christie Whitman today said the President’s budget provides the funds the Agency needs to carry out its mission, “efficiently and effectively.”

The $7.3 billion fiscal year 2002 proposal is a $56 million increase over the budget request from last year. “It reflects this Administration’s commitment to build partnerships across America to make our air cleaner, our water purer and our land better protected,” Whitman said at an EPA Headquarters press conference

Whitman stressed that environmental experience and expertise are being developed every day in America’s communities and the sharing of that information in partnerships will help the agency to fulfill its mission.

The Administrator indicated state and tribal programs are the recipients of about half of EPA’s budget because they are the innovators, and the energizers. “Our proposed budget provides almost $3.3 billion in grants for states, tribes and other EPA partners. That is a half-a-billion dollars more than was requested for these grants in FY 2001” (Water infrastructure and categorical grants combined).

Included in that figure is a new $25 million program of state grants--money to improve and bolster enforcement efforts in the states in a way that reflects individual state priorities. “In some cases, that will mean prosecution. In others, it will mean compliance assistance,” said Whitman. “But no matter which course is chosen, it will produce the best possible result in each individual situation.”

A second $25 million grant program is aimed at improvements to the states environmental information systems. This information partnership will allow states to produce more accurate and useful environment assessments. Whitman explained, “When it comes to cleaning the environment, information is power–the power to make the right decisions to achieve the best results.”

To continue to ensure an abundant supply of safe clean water in every American community, this budget invests $2.1 billion in grants to states for water infrastructure needs. There is also funding for sewer overflow control. “This is good news indeed for every community that now has to deal with the messy results that can follow periods of heavy rainfall,” said the Administrator. The grants include:
      • Clean Water State Revolving Fund $850 million
      • Drinking Water State Revolving Fund $823 million
      • Sewer Overflow Control Grants $450 million

The budget continues funding for the Energy Star program that fosters energy-efficient building design and technologies for industry and school buildings.

The Agency also participates in the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles, a ten-year research and development program to develop the technology for a mid-sized family sedan that achieves 85 miles per gallon with low emissions, and is safe, practical and affordable.

Finally, the President’s budget increases resources available for local brownfields rehabilitation to $97.7 million from the $92.6 million enacted in FY 2001. “These funds will help turn abandoned environmental eyesores into community assets all across America,” said Whitman.

She concluded, “I am proud of this budget–proud of what it promises for the future health of America’s environment.”

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