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Release Date: 10/14/1998
Contact Information: Dave Schmidt, U.S. EPA, (415) 744-1578
(San Francisco) -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) today announced that it has filed administrative complaints against six Phoenix companies and the City of Phoenix for violating Maricopa County's dust control regulations. Violations are subject to penalties of up to $27,500 per violation. The complaints are based on the findings of inspections conducted jointly by U.S. EPA and the Maricopa County Environmental Services Department.
The violations occurred at construction sites and vacant parcels. Arizona and federal law require permits for earth moving at construction sites, which include plans to control dust emissions. Control measures include such simple practices as watering down construction and demolition sites, as well as preventing dust from being tracked out onto adjacent roads. In addition, Arizona and federal law require dust controls on sources such as vacant lots, unpaved parking lots, and unpaved roads. Control measures for these sources include paving, gravel, or stabilizing the surface with water or other dust suppressants.
"Dust in the air is a serious health threat and these companies must control it in their operations," said David Howekamp, director of U.S. EPA's air division for the western region. "Our recent joint inspections with the County have indicated that there is widespread non-compliance with the County's dust control requirements. Therefore, we plan to continue our efforts with Maricopa County to ensure that the requirements are met."
U.S. EPA inspections found that each of the companies, and the City of Phoenix, had multiple violations. The entities named in the legal complaint are: United Metro Materials, Inc., Plants # 1 and 11, U.S.A. Waste of Arizona, Joe E. Woods, Inc., the City of Phoenix, Dick Corporation, Phoenix Demolition Co. Inc., and Evergreen Builders Inc.
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