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Alaska Forum on the Environment

Release Date: 1/19/2000
Contact Information: Kurt A. Eilo
[email protected]
(907) 271-1414

    January 19, 2000

    The Second Annual Alaska Forum on the Environment (AFE) convenes in Anchorage at the Egan Civic and Convention Center on February 7-11, 2000. The Forum will begin at 12 noon, Monday, Feb. 7, with a report on the “Youth Watershed Congress 2000.” Elders from across Alaska will provide their perspectives on the environment in Alaska and also participate in an informal “Talking Circle” that will gather federal and state government officials, private businesses, and Alaskan elders to share traditional knowledge of the environment. Patricia Cochran, Executive Director for the Alaska Native Science Commission, will facilitate the Talking Circle.

    The AFE is a cooperative conference sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection agency and several other governmental, professional and non-governmental organizations. Participants include everyone from rural Alaska villages to large urban centers of the state, and from the local tribal governments to the federal government. The wide-ranging agenda is organized supporting environmental topics that include natural resources, environmental health, rural issues, watershed protection, and regulatory compliance.

    Prior to the AFE, Alaskan students from grades 9-12 will participate in the development of Watershed Planning Goals within their own communities. When the Youth Congress meets in Anchorage, they will develop a vision statement of their hopes for Alaska’s watershed resources and action plans for achieving their vision. There are more than 20 schools statewide that are preparing for the event.

    “AFE began with a vision to provide a premiere educational event that also brings together all Alaskans who are in some way involved in the protection of the Environment. AFE provides Alaskans from varied social and work cultures with the opportunity to interact and develop a more in-common vision and understanding. This event has become a springboard for statewide organizations to plan their individual meetings and events around this conference, taking advantage of the classes, speakers, and panel discussions offered throughout the week,” says Kurt Eilo, Chair of the AFE Planning Committee. “It is really wonderful to see the range of people and organizations participating and excited about the Alaska Forum on the Environment.” Mr. Eilo suggested it will be quite interesting to see the visions presented both by the Youth Congress and the Alaskan elder presentations that bookend the keynote sessions.

    Featured keynote speakers include:
      • Alaska musher Dee Dee Jonrowe will speak on Tuesday morning providing “Virtual Tour of Alaska Ecosystems Along the Iditarod Trail.”
      • the Tuesday noon keynote address will be Jan Schlichtmann, the attorney chronicled in the best-selling book and popular film entitled, “A Civil Action.” Actor John Travolta portrayed Schlichtmann in the film.
      • David J. Hayes, Acting Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior will speak on Wednesday morning on “Environmental Negotiations: What Works and What Doesn’t.”
      • The Wednesday noon keynote will be a panel of Alaskan elders providing their “Perspectives of Alaska’s Environmental Future.”

    Several events have been planned in conjunction with the AFE, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Indian Grant Assistance Program (IGAP) Training, Restoration Advisory Board Roundtable, Watershed Roundtable, Introduction to Air Quality Source Review for Expanding Facilities, Introduction to the Alaska Coastal Management Program, Development and Special Area Planning. Various organizations, such as the Alaska Environmental Health Association, the Association of Alaska Wetland Scientists, the Alaska Association of Environmental Professionals, and the Alaska Chapter of the Air and Waste Association are hosting meetings that coincide with the AFE.

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    AFE Registration Information:

    Discounted registration for the conference can be done on the Internet only through Jan. 21, at the website ( A draft agenda for the entire week can also be obtained through the website. While you may register at the event, the first 400 to register online or by phone will have lunch service included as part of the 3 keynote lunch events. If you wish to obtain information or register by phone or fax, please contact the AFE Registration staff at (907) 276-6060.

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    Additional Training Opportunities:

    The Alaska training facility known as the “Joint Regional Environmental Training Center” will be coordinating classes with the AFE Conference offering Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Training, Grant Writing, Asbestos Certification, and many others. All AFE Participants will receive a special discount for these classes, which occur between January 31 and February 18th. Information on JRETC training can be found from the AFE website “Event Calendar” (, the JRETC site (, or by calling (907) 428-2242.

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    Alaska Watershed Youth Congress 2000:

    For more information on the Youth Watershed Congress 2000, please contact Meg Burgett, YWC 2000 Coordinator, Alaska Cooperative Extension, 533 E. Fireweed, Palmer, AK 99645, telephone (907) 746-9461, fax 746-2677, or by e-mail - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Alaska Forum on the Environment - Platinum Level Sponsors (as of 1/9/2000):
        · BP Exploration
        · US Air Force
        · US Army Alaska
        · US Environmental Protection Agency
        · US Federal Aviation Administration

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    Alaska Forum on the Environment is planned and coordinated with the support of the following organizations:
        · Air and Waste Association, Alaska Chapter
        · Alaska Association of Environmental Professionals
        · Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
        · Alaska Environmental Health Association
        · Alaska Inter-Tribal Council
        · Alaska Native Services Commission
        · Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
        · Bering Sea Coalition
        · BP Exploration
        · Ecology & Environment, Inc.
        · Hilton Anchorage Hotel
        · Joint Regional Environmental Training Center
        · US Air Force
        · US Army Alaska
        · US Department of the Interior
        · US Environmental Protection Agency
        · US Federal Aviation Administration
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