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Administrator Whitman to Announce Largest Clean Air Act Settlement

Release Date: 04/18/2003
Contact Information:

Contact: John Millett, 202-564-7842/[email protected]

(04/18/03) EPA Administrator Christie Whitman, EPA enforcement officials, and U.S. Department of Justice officials will announce the largest Clean Air Act settlement.
      WHEN: 11:00 a.m., Monday, April 21, 2003
              Since visitor security clearance is required upon entry, early arrival is recommended.
      WHERE: EPA Headquarters
      Ariel Rios North Building
      1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, 3rd floor “Green Room”
      Enter 12th St./Federal Triangle Metro Entrance to Building
      CREDENTIALS: White House or Congressional press credentials required.
      METRO: Federal Triangle is closest station.
      Orange and Blue lines stop there.