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EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson to Announce Great Lakes Grants in Toledo Today

Release Date: 09/07/2010
Contact Information: Anne Rowan, [email protected]

CHICAGO – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson will announce EPA’s first Great Lakes Restoration Initiative competitive grants at an event today in Toledo, Ohio.

She will be joined in Toledo by Ohio Lt. Governor Lee Fisher, Ohio EPA Director Chris Korleski, Mayor Michael Bell, City Councilman Mike Craig and Tim Eder, Executive Director, Great Lakes Commission.

The first of the Ohio Great Lakes Restoration Grants (totalling $1,968,228) are:
• $1 Million to Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for Cuyahoga County surface water improvement.
• $250,000 to the Ohio Office of Budget and Management for Toledo Harbor sediment project.
• $550,228 to the University of Toledo for prevention of surface water contamination from biosolids.
• $168,000 to Ohio Department of Natural Resources for Maumee reforestation.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

11:15 a.m. EDT Toledo Press Conference
Maritime Center
1701 Front Street.
Toledo, OH
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