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Dovex Fruit Company, Inc., Agrees to Pay EPA $98,241 for Risk Management Program Violations

Release Date: 09/22/2008
Contact Information: Javier Morales, EPA, (206) 553-1255, [email protected] Mark MacIntyre/EPA (206)553-7302, [email protected]

(Seattle, Wash. – September 22, 2008) The Dovex Fruit Company, owner of a fruit processing facility in Wenatchee, Washington, will pay the United States Environmental Protection Agency $98,241 to settle alleged federal Risk Management Program Violations.

On February 4, 2008, EPA inspected Dovex’s operations located at 2809, 2811, and 2833 Euclid Road in Wenatchee, WA. During the inspection, EPA personnel discovered that Dovex’s stored quantity of anhydrous ammonia exceeded the threshold that triggers federal planning requirements.

Under the law, any facility that uses, stores, manufactures, or handles more than 10,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonia is required to prepare and submit a Risk Management Plan (RMP) to EPA. As a result of this enforcement action, Dovex has corrected the violation and submitted a risk management plan.

According to Kelly Huynh, prevention team leader in EPA’s Emergency Response program, having a solid prevention program in place can help a facility avoid having things go from "bad" to "worse" if a workplace accident occurs.

“Companies with large amounts of ammonia on-site must have a solid, comprehensive leak prevention program in place,” said EPA’s Huynh. “They have a responsibility to workers, emergency responders and the community to make sure a serious accident doesn’t become a senseless tragedy.”

Risk Management Plans have been required for facilities that use, handle, or store more than 10,000 lbs. of anhydrous ammonia since June 21, 1999.

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