SIP Requirements in the Clean Air Act
The Clean Air Act identifies specific requirements that states must submit to EPA as part of their State Implementation Plan (SIP) to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
The links on this page refer to the full text in the U.S. Code for each SIP requirement.
Section 107 (a) - Outlines the states' responsibility for assuring air quality and submitting a SIP.
Section 110 (a)(1) - Outlines public involvement and timeframe for submitting SIPs after national air quality standard for pollutants have been issued.
Section 110 (c)(1) - Gives EPA the ability to issue a Federal Implementation Plan if a state fails to submit an approvable plan.
Section 110(h)(1) - Outlines EPA's obligation to publish every three years all the applicable implementation plan requirements for each state.
Section 110 (k) - Outlines EPA's review process, timeframe and deadlines.
Section 110 (m) - Outlines the applicable sanctions EPA may impose.
Section 110 (n) - Requires new SIP's achieve equivalent or better emission reductions than existing plans.
Section 110 (o) - Gives federally recognized tribes the ability to submit their own Tribal Implementation Plan.
Section 113 - Speaks to the federal government's ability to enforce SIPs.
Part D - Covers requirements for nonattainment areas.
Section 171 - Includes SIP related definitions.
Section 172 - Outlines nonattainment area plan provisions.
Section 173 - Outlines the permitting requirements.
Section 174 - Outlines the planning procedures.
Section 175 - Outlines EPA related grants.
Section 175A - Outlines maintenance plans.
Section 176 - Lists the limitations on certain types of federal assistance, conformity requirements and timeframes.
Section 176A - Covers the role of interstate transport commissions.
Section 177 - Covers new motor vehicle emission standards in nonattainment areas.
Section 178 - Includes guidance documents.
Section 179 - Outlines the sanctions and consequences of failure to attain.
Section 179B - Covers international border areas.
Section 301 (a)(1) - Outlines EPA's authority to issue regulations to carry out the functions under this Act, and EPA's authority to treat Indian tribes as states under this Act.
Section 304 - Outlines the right of individuals to file a civil action relating to the Clean Air Act.
Section 307 (a) - Outlines EPA's ability to issue subpoenas in judicial matters.