Louisiana LAC 33:III Ch. 23 Section 2301 - Control of Emissions from Specific Industries, SIP effective August 4, 2011 (LAd34) and February 29, 2016 (LAd47)
Regulatory Text:
Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 33 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Part III Air (LAC 33:III)
Chapter 23. Control of Emissions for Specific Industries1
1Regulation of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds for Certain Industries are Presented in Chapter 21.
Subchapter A. Chemical Woodpulping Industry
Section 2301. Control of Emissions from the Chemical Woodpulping Industry
As approved by EPA July 5, 2011 (76 FR 38977) SIP effective August 4, 2011 (LAd34),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0924 [LA021]
§2301.D.4.a as approved by EPA January 28, 2016 (81 FR 04891) SIP effective
February 29, 2016 (LAd47), Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2012-0434 [LA039].
Unless otherwise indicated, paragraphs are as approved by EPA March 8, 1989 (54 FR 09795) effective May 8, 1989 (LAc49).
A. Purpose. The purpose of this Subchapter shall be to limit the quantity of emissions from pulp manufacturing plants.
B. Scope. This Subchapter applies to manufacturing facilities for the pulping of wood and the preparation and recovery of associated chemicals by the kraft process, including combined recovery systems serving other processes such as neutral sulfite pulping.
C. General. The pulp production rates referred to in this Subchapter shall be equivalent tons of unbleached air-dry kraft pulp. The equivalent production rate shall be calculated as actual tons of kraft pulp or on the basis that 3,000 pounds dry solids in spent liquor represents one ton equivalent kraft pulp, (1,500 kilograms equals one metric ton). Lime kiln load shall be rated on the basis of actual kraft pulp tons or on the basis that 550 pounds of reburned lime represents one ton equivalent kraft pulp, (275 kilograms equals one metric ton).
AQ079 §2301.D;LAd34;LA021.03;AQ079;LR19:1564 (12/20/1993)
D. Emissions Limitations. No person shall cause, suffer, allow or permit emissions to the atmosphere in excess of the limitations stated in this Subchapter. Notwithstanding the specific limits set forth in this Subchapter, in order to maintain the lowest possible emission of air contaminants, the highest and best practicable treatment and control currently available shall be provided in every case of new construction and/or modernization.
1. Particulate Emissions. Emission of particulate matter shall not exceed the following limits:
a. for recovery furnaces, not more than 4.0 pounds per equivalent pulp ton, (2.0 kilograms per equivalent pulp metric ton);
b. for smelt dissolver vents, not more than 0.5 pounds per equivalent pulp ton, (0.25 kilograms per equivalent pulp metric ton);
c. for lime kilns, not more than 1.0 pound per equivalent pulp ton, (0.5 kilograms per equivalent pulp metric ton);
d. for boilers fueled by bark, alone or in combination with other fuels, the provisions of LAC 33:III.1313 shall apply.
2. Sulfur Oxides. Emission of sulfur oxides shall not exceed the limits set forth in LAC 33:III.1503.C.
AQ079 §2301.D.3;LAd34;LA021.03;AQ079;LR19:1564 (12/20/1993)
3. Total Reduced Sulfur Emissions. Emissions of Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) from existing sources specified below shall not exceed the following limits:
a. kraft recovery furnaces corrected to eight percent oxygen by volume:
i. new design straight kraft recovery furnaces, five parts per million (ppm).
ii. old design straight kraft recovery furnaces, 20 ppm.
iii. cross-recovery furnaces, 25 ppm.
iv. recovery furnaces constructed prior to 1960: The department may establish emission limitations different from those specified above for the remaining useful life of the unit. The emissions limit established for each affected furnace will reflect the lowest levels of TRS emissions consistently achievable utilizing best practicable technology.
b. digester systems, five ppm;
c. multiple effect evaporator systems, five ppm;
d. lime kilns, corrected to 10 percent oxygen by volume, 20 ppm;
e. condensate stripper systems, five ppm;
f. smelt dissolving tanks, 0.0016 grams per kilogram black liquor solids fired. Compliance with the particulate emission limits of LAC 33:III.2301.D.1.b. by a scrubbing device employing fresh water as the scrubbing medium make up will be accepted as evidence of adequate TRS control on smelt dissolving tanks. Emission limits are given in terms of 12 hour averages. For recovery furnaces, one percent, and for lime kilns, two percent of all 12 hour TRS averages per quarter year above the specified level, under conditions of proper operation and maintenance, in the absence of start ups, shutdowns and malfunctions, are not considered to be violations of the emission limitation. These are not running averages, but are instead for discrete contiguous 12 hour periods of time;
g. in any facility with multiple sources subject to this Subchapter, alternative TRS emission limits from individual sources shall be established upon request, using the ``Bubble Concept,'' provided that the total emissions from all the regulated sources do not exceed those permitted above;
h. the department may establish alternative limits consistent with the purposes of this Section;
i. compliance. Affected sources shall achieve final compliance with the provisions of LAC 33:III.2301.D.3 as expeditiously as practicable but not more than six years from the effective date of this Subchapter of the regulations.
4. Opacity Limitation. The emission of smoke from the recovery furnace shall be controlled so that the shade or appearance of the emission is not darker than 40% average opacity as to obscure vision to a degree equivalent to the above (See Table 4) except that emitted may have an average opacity in excess of 40% for not more than one six minute period in any 60 consecutive minutes:
§2301.D.4.a SIP effective August 4, 2011 (LAd34) to February 28, 2016.
OS065 §2301.D.4.a;LAd34;LA021.11;OS065;LR31:2442(10/20/2005)
a. Compliance. Owner or operators shall conduct source tests of recovery furnaces pursuant to the provisions in LAC 33:III.1503.D.2, Table 4, to confirm particulate emissions are less than that specified in Paragraph D.1 of this Section. The results shall be submitted to the Office of Environmental Assessment, Air Quality Assessment Division, as specified in LAC 33:III.919 and 918. The testing should be conducted as follows:
i. four tests at six month intervals within 24 months of promulgation of this regulation; and
ii. one test annually thereafter.
§2301.D.4.a as submitted to EPA August 14, 2009 [LA039.03] and resubmitted
to EPA October 2015 [LA039.05], MM002 LR 33:2088 (October 20, 2007).
Approved by EPA January 28, 2016 (81 FR 04891) SIP effective February 29, 2016 (LAd47),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2012-0434 [LA039].
a. Compliance. Owner or operators shall conduct source tests of recovery furnaces pursuant to the provisions
in LAC 33:III.1503.D.2, Table 4, to confirm particulate emissions are less than that specified in Paragraph D.1 of this Section. The results shall be submitted to the Office of Environmental Assessment as specified in LAC 33:III.919 and 918. The testing should be conducted as follows:
i. four tests at six month intervals within 24 months of promulgation of this regulation; and
ii. one test annually thereafter.
AQ264 §2301.E;LAd34; LA021.12;AQ264;LR32:1841(10/20/2006)
E. Exemptions. The total reduced sulfur limitations of Paragraph D.3 of this Section and the opacity limitation of Paragraph D.4 of this Section do not apply to affected facilities subject to 40 CFR 60, Subpart BB--Standards of Performance for Kraft Pulp Mills.
** End Louisiana Section 2301, SIP effective August 4, 2011 (LAd34) and February 29, 2016 (LAd47)**