Session 5 - Intersection Between Inventories and Life-Cycle Emissions Impacts (2017 EIC)
Papers and Presentations for the Intersection Between Inventories and Life-Cycle Emissions Impacts session during the International Emissions Inventory conference.
- Intersection of Life-Cycle Analysis Data and Emissions Inventories: A Case Study of Mobile Source Fuel Production (pdf)
- Considerations in Linking Energy Scenario Modeling and Life Cycle Analysis (pdf)
- A Framework to Analyze Emissions Implications of Manufacturing Shifts in the Industrial Sector (pdf)
- Spatially Explicit Life Cycle Assessment for Air Pollution Health Impacts (pdf)
- Rapid Life Cycle Inventory Modeling of Chemical Manufacturing using the US EPA's Emissions Inventories (pdf)
- US Refinery Air Pollutants (pdf)
- Integrating Data Sources, Geo-Spatial Analyses, and Engineering-Based Calculations to Model Life-Cycle Emissions Crude Oil Transport for Mobile-Source Fuels (pdf)
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Life Cycle Assessments of Transportation Fuels (pdf)