EPA Region 9 (Pacific Southwest)
EPA’s Pacific Southwest (Region 9) implements and enforces federal environmental laws in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and 148 Tribal Nations.
Smoke-Ready Toolbox for Wildfires
Smoke from wildfires can adversely affect air quality and put people at health risk from smoke exposure. Public health officials and others can use the resources in the Smoke-Ready Toolbox to help educate people about the risks of smoke exposure and actions they can take to protect their health.
- Prepare for or Respond to Wildfires
- Air Quality Awareness Means Being Smoke Ready (video)
- Concientización sobre la calidad del aire significa estar listo para el humo (video)
- Children are particularly vulnerable to health effects of smoke. Learn more from our “Why is Coco Red?” resources.
- Documentos y recursos en español
Popular Topics
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
- Public Notices, Meetings & Events
- Quality of Environmental Data
- Red Hill Fuel Storage Facility
- San Francisco Bay Delta
- San Francisco Bay Program Office
- San Joaquin Valley
- Southern California Ocean Disposal Site Investigation
- Superfund Sites
- Tribal Programs
- Underground Injection Control (UIC)
- U.S.-Mexico Border
- West Coast Collaborative
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