About the Water Infrastructure Division
On This Page:
What We Do
Main Office Location
What We Do
The Water Infrastructure Division (WID) conducts customer-driven research and support, providing scientific leadership on national-scale problems associated with water quality in the built infrastructure. Specifically, our research program addresses treatment strategies for drinking water contaminants such as cyanotoxins, disinfection by-products, inorganic contaminants, pathogens such as Legionella, Mycobacterium avium, and chemicals of emerging concern such as PFAS.
We also conduct extensive research on corrosion control strategies and analysis of drinking water pipe scales to reduce lead and copper exposure. In addition, WID conducts research in the areas of stormwater management and water reuse to improve best practices. Hydraulic and water quality modeling for drinking water and stormwater management is also an important aspect of WID’s research portfolio.
Using the scientific and technical expertise generated through research, WID scientists provide technical support to public water systems as well as state and local governments. WID specializes in providing technical information to small water systems who have unique capabilities and needs.
Relevant Research
- Drinking Water and Wastewater Research
- Stormwater Management and Green Infrastructure Research
- Harmful Algal Blooms & Drinking Water Treatment
Learn more at Water Research
Regan Murray, Director
- Phone: 513-569-7031
- Email: [email protected]
Michael Moeykens, Associate Director
- Phone: 513-569-7196
- Email: moeykens.michael@epa.gov
- Biological Contaminants Branch: Nichole Brinkman, Acting Branch Supervisor
- Chemical Methods and Treatment Branch: Bill Platten, Acting Branch Supervisor
- Drinking Water Quality Branch: Steve Harmon, Branch Supervisor
- Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution Branch: Jonathan Pressman, Branch Supervisor
- Integrated Water Resources Branch: Daniel Murray, Acting Branch Supervisor
Main Office Location
US EPA ORD Center for Environmental Solutions & Emergency Response
Water Infrastructure Division
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Mail Code: 689
Cincinnati, OH 45268